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Pool cleaning: the ultimate guide

Welcome to your handy one-stop guide to pool cleaning!

If you’re a new pool owner, you probably feel like you’ve thrown yourself in at the deep end – but don’t sweat it; we’re here to help you swim! We mean it when we say ‘ultimate guide’. In this guide, we’ll help you navigate every aspect of pool cleaning so that you thoroughly understand what needs to be done, how, and when.

In a nutshell, pool cleaning consists of skimming, brushing, and vacuuming, all while balancing water chemistry, with the occasional filter backwash and skimmer clean thrown in.

Ready for the details? Let’s dive in.

In this pool cleaning guide you will find:

Why is pool cleaning important?

Let’s be honest, the thought of a scummy pool repels you from swimming, and nobody wants that. In the same way that your shower builds up soap scum and rarely has a chance to dry out completely, the wet surfaces of your pool get furry with body oils and debris and need a scrub too. Regular pool cleaning helps keep your tub and your bodies healthy and free of bacteria.

On another level, having a spanking clean pool is the equivalent of having stripes on your perfect lawn. It’s a pride thing.

A perfectly clean pool

Pool cleaning equipment: what you will need

To get started, you’re going to need:

  • telescopic pole. This is useful for every cleaning step: it’s basically an extension to whatever tool you choose to attach to the top. An 8-foot pole extending to 16 feet allows you to do everything with ease.
  • a skimmer net or leaf shovel or leaf scoop (and eventually replacement nets).
  • pool broom head.
  • a vacuum (manual vacuum or automatic).
  • chemicals for cleaning and balancing water post-cleaning.

Arm yourself with the above equipment and get yourself pool-side, because it’s time to roll up your sleeves and get stuck in.

Pool cleaning equipments picture

Pool cleaning chemicals and products: the water chemistry

Balancing chemicals in the correct quantity for optimum pool performance and comfort is an art referred to as water chemistry. Maintaining this involves a number of chemicals. Let us break it down for you.

Essential chemicals from day one

  1. Sanitiser: (chlorine or bromine) to kill bacteria and keep you safe. 
  2. balanced pH levels: aim for a pH of 7.4-7.6 by using a pH reducer and pH and Alkalinity increaser. Too much acid irritates your skin, and too much alkaline causes scaling and clouding.
  3. calcium hardness: low levels risk scaling and corrosion, combated by adding a calcium hardness increaser or a water hardness control The ideal level is usually 175 ppm to 225 ppm. If the pH is too high, it can cause high levels of calcium too.
  4. a product we call ‘shock’: shock effectively adds oxygen, removes chloramines and bacteria, reactivates your sanitiser, and rebalances the pool. Shock in the evening and run the filter overnight for best results.

Extra pool chemicals to have in your back pocket

  • when algae starts to creep in, the best thing is to shock the pool. Afterward, add some algaecide to prevent it from re-blooming, and this should keep it at bay (although it won’t completely eradicate it on its own).
  • clarifier and flocculant: got friends coming over and it’s a bit cloudy in there? Add some clarifier for a temporary fix. Later, add flocculant to settle all the cloudy deposits at the bottom and then get rid of them by vacuuming them up.
  • metal sequestrant: have some rust coloured stains? These can only be removed by cleaning with a stain remover, but adding metal sequestrant will prevent them from coming back.

How do you know about the chemical levels in your water at any given time? By testing! Before you add anything, test first. Test after. Test frequently and adjust when necessary.

Want further details? We have created a pool cleaning chemicals guide for you! Check it out. 

Pool cleaning services in Auckland

Maybe both robotic and manual vacuums sound somewhat daunting? Well, another possibility is hiring a local pool cleaning service and just relaxing. Luckily, Auckland and all other major cities in New Zealand can count on reliable and efficient pool cleaning providers. They usually offer a wide range of services, matching every possible necessity.

As we have seen, pool maintenance is an essential process to ensure your and your family members, and friends’ health and safety. Professional, skilled, and trained services will set you free from that tedious duty feeling, allowing you to focus on more exciting activities.

What a pool cleaning service can do for you

The best pool cleaning providers can cover you 360° when it comes to keeping your swimming pool clean and shining. Typically, these are the most required cleaning services:

  • pool’s interior surface cleaning: this includes emptying the skimmer baskets and vacuuming the pool, as seen above.
  • pool filter cleaning.
  • ph balance testing.
  • chlorine levels testing.
  • balancing ph and chlorine and any other pool chemical.
  • circulation system cleaning.
  • overall pool inspections.
  • pool repair.
  • pool equipment repair.

Experienced pool cleaners will not only spot potential problems, avoiding ruining that family gathering you planned, but they will be also able to take necessary action to fix it. How reassuring and relaxing is that?

Get ready to clean your pool!

Armed with the right information and the best pool cleaning equipment and chemicals, you’re halfway there already. We understand how overwhelming cleaning your pool can be at the start, and we’re here to support you through the process every step of the way.

About the author
Adrian Hill
Adrian Hill

Hey! I'm Adrian, founder and pool expert here at Dolphin Pacific. I love spending time with family, fishing, and have been known to brew my own beer.

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